<!ENTITY addhint "See userstyles.org for pre-made styles">
<!ENTITY advancedview "Advanced">
<!ENTITY advancedview.ak "A">
<!ENTITY allowupdates "Allow update checks">
<!ENTITY allowupdates.ak "A">
<!ENTITY basicoutro "Press &preview; to temporarily see the changes this style would make. Press &save; to apply this style and close this dialog. While most styles take effect immediately, some styles require you to restart the application.">
<!ENTITY basicview "Basic">
<!ENTITY basicview.ak "B">
<!ENTITY chromefolder "Chrome Folder Path">
<!ENTITY chromefolder.ak "C">
<!ENTITY chromefolder.tt "Inserts the path to the current profile's chrome folder at the cursor position">
<!ENTITY dataURI "Data URI...">
<!ENTITY dataURI.ak "D">
<!ENTITY dataURI.tt "Inserts a data URI for the specified file at the cursor position">
<!ENTITY description.ak "D">
<!ENTITY enabled.ak "E">
<!ENTITY htmlnamespace "HTML Namespace">
<!ENTITY htmlnamespace.ak "H">
<!ENTITY htmlnamespace.tt "Makes HTML the default namespace for this style">
<!ENTITY important "!important">
<!ENTITY important.ak "m">
<!ENTITY important.tt "Makes all declarations !important">
<!ENTITY itsalltext "It's All Text!">
<!ENTITY itsalltext.ak "T">
<!ENTITY insert "Insert">
<!ENTITY insert.ak "I">
<!ENTITY pickcolor "Color">
<!ENTITY pickcolor.ak "o">
<!ENTITY pickcolorrainbowpicker "Color...">
<!ENTITY pickcolorrainbowpicker.ak "o">
<!ENTITY poststyle "Post this style to userstyles.org">
<!ENTITY preview "Preview">
<!ENTITY preview.ak "w">
<!ENTITY save "Save">
<!ENTITY save.ak "S">
<!ENTITY siterules "Site Rules...">
<!ENTITY siterules.ak "S">
<!ENTITY siterules.tt "Inserts -moz-document rules around the selection">
<!ENTITY visitstyle "Visit this style's website">
<!ENTITY wraplines "Wrap lines">
<!ENTITY wraplines.ak "W">
<!ENTITY xulnamespace "XUL Namespace">
<!ENTITY xulnamespace.ak "X">
<!ENTITY xulnamespace.tt "Makes XUL the default namespace for this style">